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Saturday, January 24, 2009
1st day of school until today.
1:20 AM

hey all havent been blogging for some time now so yea just getting use to going back to school and new teachers blah blah.... so bo liao 1st day school kena caught for long finger nails and tio arrows to be mrs naza slave assitant whihc is clement sop ya and the night before was talking to clement on the phone almost until left a few hours before school started tehn tio scolded by parents lo... so far no problems yet just plan to study and not let problems affect me... now just keep sms atiqah... then i hope maple jie peipei reply my email and sig in msn and may hope you reply my email too havent hear from you for some time... so i end of this post hear happy chinese new year one and all.
